Main moves
Countryside Partnerships' overall vision for Northstowe, Phase 2A is to create an attractive residential neighbourhood that will support the emergence of a sustainable modern community. Centred around a new urban park, Phase 2A forms an important part of a masterplan to deliver up to 10,000 new homes. Comprising a mix of apartments and houses, the development will integrate existing and proposed residential areas with surrounding countryside, while providing a transition between the neighbouring town centre and the less urban areas of Rampton Drift and Northstowe Fields. As part of Homes England’s drive to embrace Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) on the site, dwellings comprise a combination of traditional construction, panelised timber frame and hybrid pods.

Artist’s impression - Aerial view looking west

Diagram showing the marker buildings and landscape features identified as part of the overall placemaking strategy

Concept diagram

Artist’s impression - Aerial view looking east